Scripps Anderson

Scripps Anderson
La Jolla, CA

This job which faces Torrey Pines Golf Course was to replace a severely rusted BAC cooling tower on the west side of Scripps Anderson Clinic. In order to avoid the corrosion of a metal tower, they originally scheduled a plastic cooling tower by Delta, but after jobsite visits to see installations of Tower Tech cooling towers which are constructed of (FRP) Fiberglass Reinforced, plastic Pultrusion, Scripps Clinic and P2S Engineering changed the schedule to Tower Tech.

On this job there are two chillers calling for 530 GPM each. The 4-fan tower by Tower Tech will handle anywhere from 400 GPM to 1,200 GPM as the load varies. The 1,060 GPM full load for both chillers calls for 21.2 BHP at 67.6 dBA (decibel level) and when it is handling just one chiller, the 530 GPM load drops it to 2.6 BHP at 50.8 dBA. This is a great savings in Electrical costs and runs at a much lower sound level.

Tower Tech has less than 10% of the drift that these other towers do and with no sunlight exposure to the water this also cuts 35-40% of the chemical treatment. This location is next to outdoor benches on a patio facing the golf course which makes the amount of drift that much more important.

The VAF Filtration Unit was also used on this job. It is a true filtration unit with a 50 micron screen that filters everything that size or larger and is self-flushing. Whether what is being filtered is heavier or lighter than water makes no difference to VAF, which is not true for centrifugal separators that call themselves filtration units.

Mechanical Engineer : P2S Engineering
General Contractor : ETC Building & Design
Mechanical Contractor : ETC Building & Design

What Tower Tech Replaced :